

Game Controls

  • make a move with the → button or right-arrow-key
  • undo one move with the ← button or left-arrow-key
  • go to the end with the ⇥ button or e-key
  • go to the start with the ⇤ button or s-key
  • flip the board with the ↺ button or o-key
  • show moves if they're hidden with the Show moves button or m-key
  • go to any position by clicking in the list of moves

Register as a User

To become a registered user of the site you need to acquire a username and password from the webmaster (whose contact details are on the Contacts page). The different types of users are as follows:

  • Blogger can create and edit news items and games
  • Administrator in addition manages users, contacts and images

One Time Passwords

Starting in early 2022, some login accounts for this website will require a one-time password (OTP) in addition to a username and regular password in order to sign in. On their first login attempt such users will be prompted to setup a secret key using Google Authenticator (or some other compatible application) by scanning a QR code and verifying a OTP from the app. Then, on subsequent login attempts, a new OTP from the same app will need to be entered.

If you lose your secret key (e.g. the phone where you have the authenticator app is lost or stolen) then ask the webmaster to reset your account so you can go through the setup process again.

For convenience you can also setup your secret key in the browser you normally use and/or in a password manager.

Create a News Item

  • sign in
  • click News
  • click New Blog
  • fill in
    • Title keep this short and snappy
    • Summary keep this fairly short so it will fit on the home page
    • Story (optional) this is where you put the bulk of your news item unless it's very short
    • Draft leave this checked at first to keep the item off the home page until it's ready
  • if you need to make any corrections, then
    • click Edit
    • make corrections
    • click Save
  • when your item is ready for publishing, then
    • click Edit
    • uncheck Draft
    • click Save

Note that the Summary and Story are written in Markdown. If there are any features you're unsure how to write (in practice, the only tricky things are tables), the easiest thing to do is see how someone else has done it. To view the raw Markdown of any other news item:

  • click News
  • click on the title of the news item with the feature you're interested in
  • click M↓ (this button is in the bottom left and you need to be signed in to use it)

To link to another blog, first find out it's ID number and then insert a link something like the following example:

[this previous news item](/blogs/2)

Similarly, for a game (see Create a Game), first find out its ID and then insert something like:

[this great game](/games/3)

If you want the game to start in a position other than the one before the first move, then add a move number like this:

[this great move](/games/3?move=42)

This should be the half-move number and when the game is displayed the position will be the one just after this move.

Update a News Item

  • sign in
  • click News
  • click the name of an item belonging to you that you want to edit
  • click Edit
  • make updates
  • click Save

The home page lists all items not yet marked as Old in last-updated order. So, when you make a change to such an item it will automatically appear at the top of the home page, since it will now be the most recently updated one.

When you mark an item as Old then, irrespective of whether it has recently been edited, it will normally no longer appear on the home page at all. The exception is when there are only a small number of non-old items remaining. In that case, the last few items on the home page will be old ones in last-created order, so your updated item may still appear.

Add a Position

To add a chess position to a news item, include something like the following in your markdown on a single line on it's own:

FEN "8/6k1/4KpPp/5P2/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"

This isn't actually markdown, it's a special notation which is dealt with separately. As you can see, it's a FEN string, a bit like one of the tag pairs in a PGN game but without the square brackets.

You can have as many positions as you like but they must all go in the Story section and not the Summary section (where they would be ignored), as the latter needs to be kept short.

By default the rendered boards are oriented with respect to white and have no rank or file markings. If you want to reverse the orientation or add markings (perhaps because the position is such that it's difficult to determine which side is playing up the board) add a single character to the FEN string as follows:

  • w white orientation, no markings (same as default)
  • b black orientation, no markings
  • W white orientation, with markings
  • B black orientation, with markings

For example, here's how the above example position would be modified to reverse the orientation and add markings:

FEN "8/6k1/4KpPp/5P2/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1 B"

Add an Image

To add an image to a news item, send the image to the webmaster and then either (a) ask them to add it for you or (b) request a unique filename for the image so you can add it yourself. In the latter case, insert something like the following example into your markdown:

![this is a great photo](photo1.jpg "250R")

The text inside the square brackets is for assitive technologies and doesn't normally display. The image filename (supplied to you by the webmaster) goes after the opening parenthesis. The text in quotes is optional and in regular markdown would be used to give the image a title but, in this application, is used instead to place and resize the image according to the following rules:

  • By default, the image will be centered but if the letter R (or L) appears, it will instead be floated to the right (or left).
  • By default, the image width will be resized to 300 pixels, but if a number between 100 and 300 appears then this will be the width, or if a number between 10 and 100 appears followed by a percent sign, then the width will be this fraction of the news item width.

When deciding how wide to make your image, remember that it has to display on both very large screens (1000's of pixels) and very small ones (a few 100 pixels).

Add a Tournament Table

Suppose a news item is about a tournament and round results are recorded using markdowm tables with rows like these:

|Donkin, C.|1-0|Donkin, A.|
|Poots, D.|[½-½](/games/123)|Nimmo, H.|

or using lists with items like these (note the mandatory commas before and after each result):

* Donkin, C., 1-0, Donkin, A.
* Poots, D., [½-½](/games/123), Nimmo, H.

In this case a tournament table can be inserted automatically by including the following macro somewhere in either the summary or story:


This macro should be on it's own on one line. As results are added, the table automatically updates. The tie breaker rule used for ranking is Sonneborn–Berger. For the results of games that have not yet finished use "?-?". It's okay to link results (as illustrated above) but not player names.

Be careful to spell players' names consistently in results tables. Names such as "Donkin, C.", "Donkin, Chris" and "Chris Donkin" will look like 3 different players to the algorithm that constructs the table. Anything in brackets, such as a rating, current score, federation or club, will be stripped out. For example, the names extracted from "Donkin, C. (2000)" and "Donkin, C. (2½)", "Donkin, C. (SCO)" and "Donkin, C. (WD)" will all be "Donkin, C.".

Please note that only one such table macro should be included per news item.

By adding lower case letters to the end of the macro (between the letter E and the final underscore) you can control some details of the table display. For example:


Currently, the available options are:

  • x: Display individual scores between players (i.e. a cross table). As this may make the table quite wide, be aware that it may be partially hidden on devices with a small screen width (e.g. an iPhone).
  • g: Suppress displaying the number of games played for each player. Once a tournament is over (and assuming each player has played the same number of games) it would be redundant to include it, but until the tournament is finished, this information could be useful.
  • t: Suppress displaying the tie break score for each player. If no players have the same score, this information is not needed.

To display extra information about any or all players in the final table, such as rating or federation, supply a pipe-separated list of equal-separated name-value pairs after the final underscore. For example:

_TABLE_Donkin, A.=1600|Donkin, C.=2000|Nimmo, H.=1500|Poots, D.=1500

In this example, the given ratings would appear in brackets after each player‘s name. Once again, it‘s important to spell names precisley for this to work.

The equals signs must be included, even if there is no extra information for the players. This permits an easy way to indicate players who have yet to play any games. For example:

_TABLE_Crorie, I.=|Ferguson, A.=

would add two extra players with the given names to the table who have yet to play any games and, in this case, with no extra information in brackets after their names (since there is nothing after the equals signs). Once such players have one or more results recorded, you could delete thier names from this list.

Create a Game

For this you need a PGN file of the game.

  • sign in
  • click Games
  • click New game
  • fill in
    • Title you can leave this blank and let the system guess it from information in the PGN
    • PGN copy and paste from your file
    • Difficulty only for problems and studies (PGN files with a non-initial FEN).
  • if you need to make any corrections, then
    • click Edit
    • make corrections
    • click Save

If your PGN is rejected as invalid and you can't figure out why, please contact the webmaster.