Orr-Bennet, Edinburgh League, 2024, 1-0
1.c4 e6
2.g3 c5
3.Nf3 Nc6
4.Bg2 Nf6
5.O-O Be7
6.d4 cxd4
7.Nxd4 O-O
8.Nc3 a6
9.b3 Qa5
10.Bb2 Qh5
11.e4 Qxd1
12.Raxd1 { Maybe Rfxb1 was better, see notes to move 15. } 12...Nxd4
13.Rxd4 Ng4
14.h3 Ne5
15.Rd2 { Maybe 15.Ra1 to prevent b5. } 15...Bb4? { b5! with chances. }
16.a3 Ba5
17.f4 Bb6+
18.Kh2 Nc6
19.Na4 Ba7
20.c5 Rb8
21.Nb6 Bxb6
22.cxb6 f6
23.b4 Kf7
24.Bc3 Ne7
25.Rd6 { Stops d5. } 25...Nd5 { Has White fallen for a trap? }
26.exd5 Ke7
27.Bd4 { No, Black has, and he resigned here. The last 2 moves could have been... } 27...Kxd6